Using a car

  • From the Tomihara Intersection on National Route 3, proceed 3.5 kilometers towards Kurate direction on Prefectural Route 29.
  • From the Wakamiya Interchange on the Kyushu Expressway, take Prefectural Route 87 towards Okagaki direction for 9 kilometers.
  • From the Kurate Interchange on the Kyushu Expressway, take Prefectural Route 29 towards Munakata direction for 9 kilometers.

Search for a route on Google Maps.

※Clicking on the image above will display it in a larger size in a separate window.

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Utilize the local bus

The railway line has been discontinued.

Airport and train services

The nearest stations are JR Akama Station (served by local, rapid, semi-express, and limited express trains) and JR Kyōiku-daigakumae Station (served by local and semi-express trains).
Please come to the venue from the station using taxi or other means of transportation.

※JR Timetable