
- 柔道場 225畳(試合会場2面)
- 剣道場 9m×9m(試合会場)
- 道場全体 24m×16m
- ロッカールーム、シャワールーム
- 展示室 約50m2
Facility | Type | 9:00~ 12:00 |
12:00~ 15:00 |
15:00~ 18:00 |
18:00~ 21:00 |
Martial Arts Gymnasium | 道場 (電灯、シャワー込) |
5,940 | 5,940 | 5,940 | 5,940 |
Air Condition | 4,950 | 4,950 | 4,950 | 4,950 |
■ Important Notice
- The above prices include a 10% consumption tax.
- 日帰りでのご利用予約は3カ月前から承ります。宿泊でのご利用予約は前年翌月(10ヶ月前)より承ります。
- Please make a prior request for heating or cooling (additional charges apply).
- 武道場は他施設との同時予約は出来ません。
- The usage time includes preparation, cleanup, and cleaning. All of these tasks are the responsibility of the customers to perform.
- If the usage is for commercial purposes or if an admission fee is charged, the usage fee will be subject to a 300% surcharge.
- For times other than those mentioned above, regular rates will apply. Please note that the usage of facilities during non-standard hours will require prior consultation and confirmation.
- Information about cancellation can be found here, printable PDF for download.